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广东省成人学历报考中心 发布时间:2020-10-28 10:25

Part I Reading Comprehension 
Directions: There are 4 passages in thispart. Each passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. Foreach of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one andmark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the center ofthe letter.


Passage One


Here's a familiar story. You're sitting atthe dinner table with a furry, four-legged friend scratching at your feet. Whenyou look down, those cute eyes are almost impossible to resist.
What is it about a dog's gaze that makes itso charming? A new study by Japanese scientist Miho Nagasawa seems to havefound the answer, and it has to do with something called the cuddle(爱抚)chemical.
The cuddle chemical has another, morescientific name: oxytocin. Oxytocin is a substance in the blood that encouragesbonding. Levels of oxytocin increase, for example, when a mother feeds hernewborn baby. According to Nagasawa's study, the same is true when we lookdeeply into the eyes of a dog.
The results of this study can tell us a lotabout the history of the bond between humans and dogs. It all started somewheretens of thousands of years ago. Scientists believe that wolves used to followhumans who were hunting large animals. The wolves would eat the food leftbehind by the humans.
Humans realized that they could use thewolves to help with the hunt, and eventually both species began to worktogether toward survival.
Over time, the wolves that interacted withthe humans began to change. They became more loyal to their human partners. Thewolves and humans started to depend on each other and bond with each other.These changes are what caused some of the wolves to turn into what we now knowas dogs, a new specie^ evolved to better survive in their environment.
This process depended a great deal on thebond humans formed with them. And according to Nagasawa's study, this bond wasformed with the help of oxytocin, the cuddle chemical.
1. What do we know about oxytocin?
A. It regulates blood flow. B. It promotesbonding.
C. It is in the human gene. D. It is good forhealth.
2. When we look deeply into a dog's eyes,the levels of our oxytocin ____.
A. reduce over time B. go either up or down
C. are on the rise D. remain unchanged
3. At the beginning wolves followed humansto ____.
A. eat the food left by humans B. guardagainst large animals
C. take humans for food D. hunt large animalstogether
4. Over time some wolves turned into dogs____.
A. due to their loyalty B. due to thechanging environment
C. for better survival D. for bettercooperation
5. What does Nagasawa9s study aim to do?
A. Explore the role of human-wolfpartnership.
B. Show the characteristics of the cuddlechemical.
C. Explain the bond between humans and dogs.
D. Understand the evolution of species.


Passage Two


Red Nose Day (RND) is a well-known event intheUK.The aim of the day is to raise money for a charity called Comic Relief whichhelps people in need in Africa and in theUK.
Comic Relief was started in 1985 by thescriptwriter Richard Curtis. He wrote the famous films 'Four Weddings and aFuneral' and 'Notting Hill'. Richard's idea to start Comic Relief was as aresponse to the severe famine in Ethiopia* It's called Red "Nose Day as onthis day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear! The money made fromselling red noses goes to the charity.
Red Nose Day takes place every two years inthe spring and is now so well established that many people consider it to be anunofficial. For example, many schools have non-uniform days.
The slogan for the last RND was ‘Do Something Funny forMoney' and the money that was collected helped to fund projects in thefollowing areas, treating malaria(疟疾), education, andmental health. The BBC Red Nose Day program raised £74.3 million! Money-raisingevents take place all over the country and many schools participate. Peoplealso donate money by post, in banks, by phone using a credit card and online.
In the evening of Red Nose Day a telethontakes place on the BBC TV channels. It shows on and on a selection of theevents of the day, as well as lots of comic sketches and reports of how themoney raised will be spent. People also upload videos of local charity eventson YouTube and Facebook.
So, if you are ever in theUKon Red NoseDay, now you know why you may find normal people wearing red noses and doingsilly things! It's all for a good cause.
6. Red Nose Day is ____.
A. a traditional holiday in theUK
B. a famous event inBritain
C. the helping center for poor people
D. the popular name of a charity
7. What does the passage say about RichardCurtis?
A. He likes, to wear a plastic red nose.
B. He is a well-known film director.
C. He started a charity in the 1980s.
D. He was born in a poor family inEthiopia.
8. Which of the following is true about RedNose Day?
A. It has become an official holiday.
B. It takes place every year.
C. It collects money from rich people.
D. It attracts many schools to participate.
9 . What docs a 'telethon'(Para. 5) probablyrefer to?
A. A television competition.
B. A very long TV program.
C. A money-raising party.
D. A comic sketch party.
10. Which of the following can be the titlefor this passage?
A. Comic Relief
B. BBC Telethon
C. Red Nose Day
D. Richard Curtis


Passage Three


A group of 30 employees was working in asoftware company. This was a young and energetic team with keen enthusiasm anddesire to learn and grow.
One day the team was called to play a game ina hall. As they entered the hail, they found the hall decorated beautifullywith colourful decorative papers and balloons. It was more like a kid’s play area than acorporate meeting hall. Everyone was surprised and gazed at each other. Also,there was a huge box of balloons placed at the centre of the hall.
The team leader asked everyone to pick aballoon from the box an blow it. Then he asked them to write their names ontheir balloon carefully so that the balloons didn’t blow up.
Those who failed were ruled out of the game.Altogether 25 employees were qualified for the next level. All the balloonswere collected and then put into a room.
The team leader asked the 25 employees to goto the room and pick the balloon with their own name on it. All 25 employeesreached the room. While they were in a rush to find the respective balloons,they tried not to burst the balloons. It was almost 15 minutes and no one wasable to find the balloon carrying his own name.
The team was told that the second level ofthe game was over.
Now it was the third and final level. Theemployees were asked to pick any balloon in the room and give it to the personnamed on the balloon. Within a couple of minutes ail balloons reacted the handsof the respective employee.
The team leader announced: This is called realsolutions to the problems.
11. When the employees were called to play agame, they ____.
A. knew what game they were going to play
B. laughed at the idea of adults playing agame
C. had no idea what they were asked to do
D. looked forward to playing a kid’s game
12. At the first level of the game, eachemployee was asked to ____.
A. blow a balloon and write his name on it
B. put his name on a balloon and blow it
C. pick up a balloon with his name on it
D. write his name on a floating balloon
13. How many employees failed the secondlevel of the game?
A. 30. B. 25. C. 15. D. 5.
14. The key to success at the third level ofthe game lies in ____.
A. thinking positively
B. helping each other
C. believing in oneself
D. increasing efficiency
15. What does the software company aim to do?
A. Encourage its employees to learn from eachother.
B. Train its employees to face all kinds ofchallenges.
C. Select the employees most suitable fortheir jobs.
D. Teach its employees the importance ofteamwork.


Passage Four


Third culture kid is a term in English thatis used to describe children who have grown up in a different culture to thatof their parents. There are great things about experiencing such a uniquechildhood. Third culture kids can also face many challenges.
I was born inEngland, to English parents. When Iwas two years old my dad got a new job inPoland. Since then I have lived infour other countries around the world. Although I have a British passport,I sometimes don't feel veryEnglish at all!
One of the best things about moving around alot when 1 was younger experiencing many diverse cultures and countries. I wasable to try different foods, learn different languages, experience differenttraditions and meet people from different backgrounds. I am also lucky to havefriends all over the world that 1 keep in regular contact with.
However, it wasn't always easy. It often feltlike I had only just settled in to the new school city and culture before my parentstold me we were moving again. Leaving my friends behind was damaging as achild. I have lost touch with many people 1 was very close to because one of usmoved country. It was also very disorientating to have an English passport, butnot feel very English at all. Because 1 had no access to English culture,returning 4home, often felt like visiting a foreign country. Happily, now lfeel more at home in England—although the question, “where are you from?” still confuses me!
16. A third culture kid may have a ____.
A. dull experience B. special childhood
C. strong accent D. traditional lifestyle
17. The author doesn't feel very Englishbecause he ____.
A. does not have a British passport
B. was not born inEngland
C. spent more time in other countries
D. has many foreign friends
18. The author experienced differenttraditions by the following EXCEPT ____.
A. trying foods of other countries
B. moving around a lot
C. doing different jobs
D. making international friends
19. The author found it not always easy to____.
A. make new friends B. find a new school
C. have new teachers D. adapt to newsituations
20.The word "disorientating" (Para.4) probably means ____.
A. exciting B. confusing C. surprising D.frightening


Part II  Vocabulary and Structure


Directions: There are 20incomplete sentencesin this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, D. Choosethe one that best completes the sentence, Mark your answeron the ANSWER SHEETwith a single bar through the center of theletter.
21. I was shocked, ____ believing what wasbefore my eyes.
A. boldly B. wisely C. narrowly D. scarcely
22. After careful investigation we find thatone of the statement has ____ to be untrue.
A. turned out B. turned off C. turned up D.turned down
23. The author has made a significant ____ toexplain various issues regarding the web and its contents.
A. review B. contact C. attempt D. comment
24. People do not agree with each other as towhat is the ____ role of government.
A. quiet B. proper C. grand D. quick
25. Public health data ____ that the numberof adults living with disabilities continues to increase.
A. express B. require C. inform D. reveal
26. University applicants who had worked at a job wouldreceive ____ over those who had not.
A. inference B. reference C. conference D.preference
27. We thought they had come to repair thephone, but ____, they were robbers.
A. in reality B. in addition C. in return D.in vain
28. Robots have one advantage overhumans-they never ____ lack of sleep or food.
A. benefit from B. suffer from C. stem fromD. result from
29. If you work hard, you will be ____; butif you don't, you will be punished.
A. relaxed B. relieved C. reduced D. rewarded
30. Soccer, the most brilliant ____ evercreated by man, boasts countless fans worldwide.
A. event B. court C. sport D. match


Part   Cloze


Directions: There are 10 blanks in thefollowing passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, Cand D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with asingle bar through the center of the letter.
Goats are being hired to do the work of menin a neighborhood just outside of San  Diego. The fires that occurred in Hillborough fouryears ago __31__ thirty homes. __32__ contractors were rebuilding the homes,nature was regrowing the grasses and bushes. The area is now so overgrown thatit again __33__ a major fire risk.
The city council __34__ bids to remove thegrasses and bushes. The lowest bid they received was $50,000. And that was ifthe city provided breakfast and lunch for the work crews for the six weeks__35__ would take to clear the overgrown area. The city countered, __36__unlimited coffee and a hamburger a day for each crew member. When that offerwas __37__ , the city asked for help on its website.
A goat-keeper read about the city's problemwhile __38__ the web. He offered to do the job for $25,-000. The city councilagreed. When told that the city dump was overflowing, the goat-keeper said,"No problem. My goats will eat everything in your dump. Except for the carengines, of course," So, for another $5,000, the city killed two birds__39__ one stone. If all __40__, they will invite the goat-keeper and his"family" back every three years.
31. A. destroyed B. polluted C. fell D. broke
32. A. That B. While C. How D. Which
33. A. takes B. covers C. shows D. poses
34. A. set about B. put up C. asked for D.took in
35. A. they B. it C. as D. that
36. A. putting B. having C. drinking D.offering
37. A. rejected B. accepted C. proposed D.postponed
38. A. surfing B. looking C. scanning D.tracking
39. A. on B. with C. in D. at
40. A. settles down B. comes along C. turnson D. goes well


Part IV Translation 


Direction: Translate the following passageinto Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.
The most traditional definition of a humancommunity was "a group of people larger than a family that interact."A community may include people who have at least one common point of interest.In the past, community members lived relatively close to one another in onegeographical location: in the same village, town, or city. Nowadays, however,the word community can mean a national, an international, or even an onlinegroup of interacting individuals. Therefore, a "new" definition ofcommunity might be "a group of people that recognize that they havesomething in common."


Part  Writing 


Directions: Youare to write in no less than100 words on the topic "A good book is a light to thesoul." You couldbase your composition on the Chinese outline givenbelow:


11-15 B C A C C
16-20 B C D B C
21-25 C A B B D
26-30 B C C D B
31-40 D A C B D D A B D C
41-50:D C A B A D A B C A
51-60: A B D B B D A A B D
A good book is a light to the soul


In the last several weeks, I have finishedreading a humorous book called Emma which inspired me to rethink my ideas onrelationship, friendship as well as kindness.
The main character called Emma Woodhouse, aclever and beautiful lady, is born in a rich family. She is so kindhearted thatshe cares so much about the happiness and marriage of her friends. She issuccessful in her so-called matchmaking career until she meets Harriet. Emma iseager to introduce Harriet to a rich gentleman, but it turns out that this gentlemanloves Emma instead. What a mess! She cares too much about her friends, but sheis so insensitive to her own feelings. Fortunately, she eventually finds thather true love, Mr. Knightly, is just beside her all the time. Knightly lovesher with heart and soul, and Harriet also finds her true love.
I learn from the novel that we should be kindto everyone around us and respect the choice of our friends. On the other hand,we should not neglect the kindness and love from the people around us.






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